Research in the Department Corporate Development deals with evidence-based management decisions. We combine methods from management research, behavioral economics, and psychology. Researchers in the Area publish in outstanding scientific journals such as the American Economic Review, Management Science, Science, Organization Science, the Journal of Labor Economics, and the Strategic Management Journal. The Area's cutting-edge research finds expression not least in its participation in research networks such as the Cluster of Excellence ECONtribute or the Center of Excellence for Social and Economic Behavior (C-SEB) or the Key Research Initiative Behavioral Management Science, in which Area staff members teach and conduct research. One focus of our work is the evaluation of management methods in field experiments in companies of different industries. In addition, we examine the opportunities and risks of new forms of work (e.g. platform work).
Here you will find the publications of our professors and research assistants sorted by topicality.
Kanitz, R., Reinwald, M., Gonzalez, K., Burmeister, A., Song, Y., & Hoegl, M. (2024). Supportive, resistant, or both? A person-centric view on employee responses to diversity initiatives. Journal of Applied Psychology. Advance online publication.
Leib, M., N. Köbis, R. M. Rilke, M. Hagens, B. Irlenbusch (2024) Corrupted by Algorithms? How AI-Generated and Human-Written Advice Shape (Dis)Honesty, Economic Journal 134 (February), 766-784
Hofer, A., Kortsch, T., & Kauffeld, S. (2024). Shaping organizations sustainably: Insights and perspectives (editorial). Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Organisationspsychologie (GIO), 55, 115–125.
DeHoratius, N., Gürerk, Ö., Honhon, D., & Hyndman, K. (2024). Execution Failures in Retail Supply Chains - A Virtual Reality Experiment. Chicago Booth Research Paper No. 15-47. Available at SSRN: Forthcoming in: Production and Operations Management.
Manthei, Kathrin and Sliwka, Dirk and Vogelsang, Timo, Information, Incentives, and Attention: A Field Experiment on the Interaction of Management Controls (June 1, 2022). Available at SSRN: or
Von Allmen, N.*, Hirschi, A., Burmeister, A., & Shockley, K. (2023). The effectiveness of work-nonwork interventions: A theoretical synthesis and meta-analysis. Journal of Applied Psychology. Advance online publication.
Fasbender, U., Burmeister, A., & Wang, M. (2023). Managing the risks and side effects of workplace friendships: The moderating role of workplace friendship self-efficacy. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 143, 1-19. doi:10.1016/j.jvb.2023.103875
Manthei, K., Sliwka, D., & Vogelsang, T. (2023). Information, incentives, and attention: A field experiment on the interaction of management controls. The Accounting Review.
Dorrough, A. R., N. Köbis, B. Irlenbusch, S. Shalvi, A. Glöckner (2023) Conditional Bribery: Insights from Incentivized Experiments across 18 Nations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 120(18), e2209731120
“What Do Employee Referral Programs Do? Measuring the Direct and Overall Effects of a Management Practice” (with G. Friebel, M. Hoffman, N. Zubanov), Journal of Political Economy 131(3), 2023, pp. 633-686.
Gürerk, Ö., Braun, L., & Irlenbusch, B. (2023). Experimental Economics in Immersive Virtual Environments. Forthcoming in: Chapter in Edward Elgar Encyclopedia of Behavioural and Experimental Economics, (eds. Hoffmann, R., Neelim, A., & Chuah, S.).
Hofmeier Jana and Strang Louis (2023). Image concerns and the dynamics of prosocial behavior. Front. Behav. Econ. 2:1220007.
Steigenberger, N. & Ebers, M. (2023), What drives integration teams to achieve high integration process performance in absorption acquisitions? A configurational analysis. Long Range Planning, 56(6): 102330.
- M. Dertwinkel-Kalt, H. Gerhardt, G. Riener, F. Schwerter & L. Strang. 2022. Concentration Bias in Intertemporal Choice, The Review of Economic Studies. 89 (3), 1314–1334
- Heinz, Matthias; Friebel, Guido; Zubanov, Nick (2022): Middle Managers, Personnel Turnover and Performance: A Long-term Field Experiment in a Retail Chain, Management Science, 69(1), 211-229
- Spurk, D.*, & Hofer, A.*, Hirschi, A., De Cuyper, N., & De Witte, H. (2022). Conceptualizing career insecurity: Toward a better understanding and measurement of a multidimensional construct. Personnel Psychology. *shared first authorship
- Alempaki, Despoina; Doğan, Gönül; Yang, Yang (2021): Lying in a foreign language?, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 185, 946-961
- Apffelstaedt, Arno; Mechtenberg, Lydia (2021): Competition for Context-Sensitive Consumers, Management Science, 67(5), 2828-2844
- Danilov, Anastasia; Khalmetski, Kiryl; Sliwka, Dirk (2021): Descriptive Norms and Guilt Aversion, Journal of Economic Behaviour & Organization, 191, 293-311
- Di Zheng, Jin; Schram, Arthur; Doğan, Gönül (2021): Friend or foe? Social ties in bribery and corruption, Experimental Economics, 24, 854-882
- Friebel, Guido; Heinz, Matthias; Weller, Ingo; Zubanov, Nikolay (2021): Downsizing Announcements, Job Security Perceptions, and Worksite Performance, Research in Labour Economics
- Friebel, Guido; Heinz, Matthias; Zubanov, Nikolay (2021): Middle Managers, Personnel Turnover, and Performance: A Long‐Term Field Experiment in a Retail Chain, Managment Science
- Grunau, Philipp; Kampkötter, Patrick; Sliwka, Dirk (2021): Mehr "Wir" weniger Ziele * Teamleistung und Unternehmenserfolg spielen eine immer größere Rolle im Vergütungsmix. Personalmagazin, 23(6), 22-27
- Kampkötter, Patrick; Petters, Lea M.; Sliwka, Dirk (2021): Employee identification and wages - on the economics of "Affective Commitment", Journal of Economic Behaviour & Organization, 188, 608-626
- Khashabi, Pooyan; Heinz, Matthias; Zubanov, Nick; Kretschmer, Tobias; Friebel, Guido (2021): Market Competition and the Effectiveness of Performance Pay, Organization Science, 32(2), 334-351
- Manthei, Kathrin; Sliwka, Dirk; Vogelsang, Timo (2021): Performance Pay and Prior Learning—Evidence from a Retail Chain, Management Science, 67(11), 6998-7022
- Rilke, Rainer M; Danilov, Anastasia; Weisel, Ori; Shalvi, Shaul; Irlenbusch, Bernd (2021): When leading by example leads to less corrupt collaboration, Journal of Economic Behaviour & Organization, 188, 288-306
- Spurk, D., Hofer, A., & Kauffeld, S. (2021). Why does competitive psychological climate foster or hamper career success? The role of challenge and hindrance appraisal pathways and leader-member exchange. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 127, 103542.
- Grözinger, Nicole; Irlenbusch, Bernd; Laske, Katharina; Schröder, Marina (2020): Innovation and Communication Media in Virtual Teams – An Experimental Study, forthcoming in: Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization
- Hofer, A., Spurk, D., & Hirschi, A. (2020). When and why do negative organization-related career shocks impair career optimism? A conditional indirect effect model. Career Development International. Advance online publication.
- Heinz, Matthias; Jeworrek, Sabrina; Mertins, Vanessa; Schumacher, Heiner; Sutter, Matthias (2020): Measuring the Indirect Effects of Adverse Employer Behavior on Worker Productivity: A Field Experiment, Economic Journal 130, 2020, pp. 2546-2568
- Irlenbusch, Bernd; Mussweiler, Thomas; Saxler, David J.; Shalvi, Shaul; Weiss, Alexa (2020): Similarity Increases Collaborative Cheating. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 178, 148-173
- Kajackaite, Agne; Sliwka, Dirk (2020): Prosocial managers, employee motivation, and the creation of shareholder value, Journal of Economic Behaviour & Organization, 172, 217-23
- Abbink, Klaus; Doğan, Gönül (2019): How to choose your victim, Games and Economic Behavior, 113, 482-469
- Alempaki, Despoina; Doğan, Gönül, Saccardo, Silvia (2019): Deception and reciprocity, Experimental Economics, 22, 980-1001
- Bodenschatz, Anja, Bernd Irlenbusch (2019): Do Two Bribe Less than One? – An Experimental Study on the Four-Eyes-Principle. Applied Economics Letters, 26(3), 191-195
- Butschek, Sebastian; Amor, Roberto Gonzalez; Kampkötter, Patrick; Sliwka, Dirk (2019): Paying Gig Workers–Evidence from a Field Experiment. IZA Discussion Paper No. 12667
- Cassar, Lea; Armouti-Hansen, Jesper (2019): Optimal Contracting with Endogenous Project Mission, Journal of the European Economic Association, 18(5), 2647-2676
- Danilov, Anastasia; Harbring, Christine; Irlenbusch, Bernd (2019): Helping Under a Combination of Team and Tournament Incentives. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 162, 120-135
- Irlenbusch, Bernd; Rilke, Rainer M.; Walkowitz, Gari (2019): Designing Feedback in Voluntary Contribution Games: The Role of Transparency. Experimental Economics, 22(2), 552–576
- Irlenbusch, Bernd, David J. Saxler (2019): The Role of Social Information, Market Framing, and Diffusion of Responsibility as Determinants of Socially Responsible Behavior. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 80, 141-161
- Khalmetski, Kiryl; Sliwka, Dirk (2019): Disguising Lies - Image Concerns and Partial Lying in Cheating Games. American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 11(4), 79-110
- Manthei, Kathrin; Sliwka, Dirk (2019): Multitasking and Subjective Performance Evaluations - Theory and Evidence from a Field Experiment in a Bank. Management Science, 65(12), 5861-5883
- Manthei, Kathrin; Sliwka, Dirk; Vogelsang, Timo (2019): Talking about Performance or Paying for it? Evidence from a Field Experiment. IZA Discussion Paper No. 12446
- Schaube, Sebastian; Strang, Louis: (Not) Everyone Can Be a Winner - The Role of Payoff Interdependence for Redistribution, CRC Disussion Paper, 097
- Spurk, D., Hofer, A., Burmeister, A., Muehlhausen, J., & Volmer, J. (2019). Occupational commitment from a life span perspective: An integrative review and a research outlook. Career Development International, 24(3), 190–221.
- Abbink, Klaus; Doğan, Gönül (2018): How to choose your victim, Games and Economic Behavior, 113, 482-496
- Alempkai, Despoina; Doğan, Gönül; Saccardo, Silvia (2018): Deception and reciprocity, Experimental Economics, 22, 980-1001
- Danilov, Anastasia; Khalmetski, Kiryl; Sliwka, Dirk (2018): Norms and Guilt. CESifo Working Paper No. 6999.
- Doğan, Gönül (2018): Collusion in a buyer–seller network formation game. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 155, 445-457.
- Doğan, Gönül; Glowacki, Luke; Rusch, Hannes (2018): Spoils division rules shape aggression between natural groups, Nature Human Behavior, 2, 322-326.
- Fischer, Mira; Sliwka, Dirk (2018): Confidence in Knowledge or Confidence in the Ability to Learn: An Experiment on the Causal Effects of Beliefs on Motivation. Games and Economic Behavior, 111, 122-142.
- Gürerk, Özgür; Irlenbusch, Bernd; Rockenbach, Bettina (2018): Endogenously Emerging Gender Pay Gap in an Experimental Teamwork Setting. Games, 9(4), 98, 1-19.
- Hennig-Schmidt, Heike; Irlenbusch, Bernd; Rilke, Rainer M.; Walkowitz, Gari (2018): Asymmetric Outside Options in Ultimatum Bargaining: A Systematic Analysis. International Journal of Game Theory, 47(301)–329.
- Kampkötter, Patrick; Sliwka, Dirk (2018): More Dispersion, Higher Bonuses? On Differentiation in Subjective Performance Evaluations. Journal of Labor Economics, 36(2), 511-549.
- Kampkötter, Patrick; Harbring, Christine; Sliwka, Dirk: Job rotation and employee performance – evidence from a longitudinal study in the financial services industry, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 29(10), 1709-1735
- Manthei, Kathrin; Sliwka, Dirk; Vogelsang, Timo (2018): Performance Pay and Prior Learning: Evidence from a Retail Chain. IZA Discussion Paper No. 11859
- Armouti-Hansen, Jesper; Kops, Christopher (2017): This or that? Sequential rationalization of indecisive choice behavior, Theory Decision, 84, 507-524
- Danilov, Anastasia; Sliwka, Dirk (2017): Can Contracts Signal Social Norms? Experimental Evidence, Management Science, 63(2), 459-476
- Friebel, Guido; Heinz, Matthias; Krueger, Miriam; Zubanov, Nikolay (2017): Team Incentives and Performance: Evidence from a Retail Chain, American Economic Review, 107(8), 2168-2203
- Heinz, Matthias; Schumacher, Heiner (2017): Signaling Cooperation, European Economic Review, 98, 199-216
- Kajackaite, Agne; Sliwka, Dirk (2017): Social responsibility and incentives in the lab: Why do agents exert more effort when principals donate?, Journal of Economic Behaviour & Organization, 142, 482-493
- Sliwka, Dirk; Werner, Peter (2017): Wage increases and the dynamics of reciprocity. Journal of Labor Economics, 35(2), 299-344.
- Danilov, Anastasia; Sliwka, Dirk (2016): Can contracts signal social norms? Experimental evidence. Management Science, 63(2), 459-476
- Drzensky, Frank; Heinz, Matthias (2016): The Hidden Costs of Downsizing, Economic Journal 126, 2016, pp. 2324-2341
- Heinz, Matthias; Normann, Hans-Theo; Rau, Holger (2016): How Competitiveness May Cause a Gender Wage Gap, European Economic Review, 90, 2016, pp. 336-349
- Kampkötter, Patrick; Harbring, Christine; Sliwka, Dirk (2016): Job rotation and employee performance–evidence from a longitudinal study in the financial services industry, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 1-27
- van Dick, Rolf; Drzensky, Frank; Heinz, Matthias (2016): Goodbye or Identify: Detrimental Effects of Downsizing on Identification and Survivor Performance, Frontiers in Psychologie 7, 2016, pp. 771
- Goesaert, Tim; Heinz, Matthias; Vanormeilingen, Stijn (2015): "Downsizing and Firm Performance: Evidence from German Firm Data," Industrial and Corporate Change 24, 2015, pp. 1443-1472
- Heinz, Matthias; Swinnen, Johann (2015): "Media Slant in Economic News: A Factor 20,", Economic Letters 132, 2015, pp. 18-20
- Irlenbusch, Bernd; Villeval, Marie Claire (2015): Behavioral Ethics: How Psychology influenced Economics and how Economics might inform Psychology? Current Opinion in Psychology, 6, 87-92.
- Ockenfels, Axel; Sliwka, Dirk; Werner, Peter (2015): Bonus Payments and Reference Point Violations. Management Science, 61(7): 1496-1513.