Praxisseminare für Masterstudent*innen
Practical Seminar "Human Resource Management Project"
Content and Method
This new type of practical seminar offers students a detailed insight into current operational issues relating to human resources management as well as exclusive access to representatives of up to six large companies.
The special feature of this seminar is the close integration of science and practice. Up to six companies take part in this practical seminar, each of which is assigned a team of a maximum of four students. All teams of the practical seminar visit each other, i.e. all students get to know the participating companies and their representatives better. This practical seminar takes place together with the practical seminar "Business Project- Corporate Development and Organization" by Prof. Burmeister.
The group of students assigned to the respective company is given the task of working on a current issue in the field of human resource management. Close coordination with company representatives is guaranteed.
The presentation of the results will then take place in workshops at the companies, which will be organised by each of the participating companies and at which, in addition to all students of the course, several company representatives will be present to discuss the results with the students. This gives the students a first good insight into the discussion and corporate culture of the visited companies.
This Seminar is led by
- Dr. Bernhard Düttmann, ehemaliger Finanzvorstand u.a. der LANXESS AG und der Beiersdorf AG
- Dr. Rainier van Roessel, ehemaliges Vorstandmitglied der LANXESS AG
- Participation in the exams in February and March is guaranteed despite the early start date. The date of the introductory event has been chosen so that it does not collide with any exams of the Corporate Development Area. If, contrary to expectations, there are collisions, please contact us! Furthermore, the workload is rather light in the first few weeks, as experience shows that a lot of coordination between companies and students has to take place first. In addition, the teams can organise their time freely, so that later exams, e.g. in March, have not been a problem in the past.
- The teams are divided up by the department on the basis of the students' qualifications and initial work experience (e.g. internships). Particular attention is paid to the diversity of the group, which is why swapping groups is explicitly excluded.
- By participating in the practical seminar, the students commit to being present at all dates. If this is not guaranteed, participation is unfortunately not possible!
- The amount of work and the workload for the projects are very high. Especially due to the participation of high-ranking company representatives, great commitment and initiative is expected. The very practical orientation of the seminar means that much is not predictable or plannable and changes in priorities can occur during the project.
- Despite these burdens, there has been very positive feedback from the students in the past. The exclusive contact with the company representatives, the practical relevance of the projects, the insight into the professional world and the cooperation in teams are particularly noteworthy. In addition, in the past, numerous participants have received offers for internships, working student jobs or direct career entry from the participating companies through the projects.
- The course is designed as a classroom course. We will monitor the pandemic and decide according to the current requirements of the respective companies and the university whether workshops and final presentations can take place on site or are held online.
Application and registration
The course is limited to participants. The maximum number of participants is 12 students. Registration takes place via KLIPS, each summer term in the first registration phase.
Credits for Master Students
The practical seminar is credited with 12 credit points.
Examination Modalities
The final grade is determined by a final presentation in the company and a final report. Both are done in group work and are assessed jointly by the chair and the company.
Attendance cumpulsory
Attendance is compulsory in the course.
Course Language
The course is generally held in English. Individual parts of the course with practical representatives may be held in German.
Course Mangement
Dr. Bernhard Düttmann
Dr. Rainier van Roessel
Contact for Further Questions
Secretariat Department Corporate Development: