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Expertise and Letters of Recommendation

Please note that we can only issue meaningful letters with reference to your personal impression or your working methods if you are known to us personally through, for example, participation in a seminar or the preparation of a thesis. In all other cases, we can only make statements about your position in the respective grade distribution.


Requests for letters of recommendation should include the following information:

  • Reference to the events attended at the seminar
  • Grade summary and resume as PDF attachment
  • Purpose of the letter of recommendation: e.g. master's application, application for a stay abroad

If you would like to apply to another university with the letter, you should take into account that they usually only accept letters of recommendation if we send it directly to them or upload it online, or if you enclose it in a sealed envelope with your application. So in addition, depending on the format required, we need the following information:

  • Sealed letter to a university: please let us know the number of copies and the addresses of the universities
  • Scanned letter: Please let us know the email address where we should send the letter or the website where we should upload it.
  • Form: Please send us the form and let us know where to send it.
  • Online form: Please send us the link.

If you need an expert opinion and / or letters of recommendation from us, please contact our office directly via